Archiving/designing at FAYD

PhD candidate - Design Department of Politecnico di Milano

Previously artist in residence at Fabrica Research Centre
-> Residency Archive



Archiving/designing at FAYD

PhD candidate - Design Department of Politecnico di Milano

-> The Secret Life of Microalgae 
Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporánea
01.04.24 - 01.10.24 
Residency archive

Material exploration from waste
Politecnico di Torino, 2018

collab. R. Bazzano, I.M. Bonino, R. Fitti

Tinderbox is a material exploration on the opportunities offered by waste materials coming from textile industries. Looking at regenerative design approaches, and the need to reach fully circular production cycles, the group developed a product starting from both the users needs and the possibilities coming from the so-called waste.  

Production phases of the two materials used for the prototype. [stearin and cotton]

The designers look for potential problems and opportunities within the outdoor cooking and the barbecue scenario. Many of the current products used to light and to keep the fire going are often toxic and not sustainable, as they cannot be decomposed. The group developed a first prototype by using waste cotton and wax, resulting in a easy-to-use, non-toxic and efficient fire-lighter.