Archiving/designing at FAYD

PhD candidate - Design Department of Politecnico di Milano

Previously artist in residence at Fabrica Research Centre
-> Residency Archive



Archiving/designing at FAYD

PhD candidate - Design Department of Politecnico di Milano

-> The Secret Life of Microalgae 
Centre del Carme Cultura Contemporánea
01.04.24 - 01.10.24 
Residency archive

Residency Archive

Spring 2022, “Extinction?”, Fabrica

Giorgia Burzio (Italy), VV Morais (Brazil), Daniele P. Spini (Italy), Park Chae Biole (South Korea), Charlot Dennis (UK), Igor Furtado (Brazil), Tom Davis (Ireland), Bobbi Fay (Ireland), Camille S. Baudry (France), Tom Heath (UK), Evelin Mazzaro (Italy), Faith M. Shields (South Africa), Mohammed El Hajoui (Italy), Olivia Funes Lastra (Argentina), Nazira Karimi (Central Asia), Ziaire T. Sherman (USA), Avani Vidhani (India)


23/05 - 28/05 2022
Exhibition visual identity
with: Mei Girault, Tom Heath, Charlot Dennis,
Tom Davis, Daniele P. Spini

credits: OIO studio

Il Collettivo Intelligente is made up of a group of algorithms, the Bard, the Illustrator, the Dreamer and the Composer. Longtime friends and tired of living in the cloud and working for large technology companies, they decide to pursue an artistic career trying to learn how to write, draw, compose music and take photographs from imaginary places.

The Bard. A writer who, inspired by the surrounding world – the weather, the amount of light, the time of day – composes lines to infinity, printing them on a roll of paper. The poems can be collected by visitors or left as part of the installation.

The Illustrator. A novice designer, who is practicing inspired by simple subjects. Visitors can help him learn how to draw, making drawings themselves, which the Illustrator can then complete and use to refine his skills.

The Dreamer. An artist in the clouds who, traveling in an imaginary world, brings back images of fantastic places and situations generated by the algorithm.

The Composer. An artificial musician practices endlessly to perform at his first concert, visitors can listen to him while practicing.


credits: Tom Heath